8:51 p.m. on 12-23-01

Found this. Fun.

current mood: Overtired and bored; yet happy.
current music: Promise Ring
current taste: Water
current hair: Auburn, kinda long, unbrushed, messy, scoofy, needs to be washed, may or may not have things living in it.
current dress: Mismatched socks, orange & pink pj pants, Weezer concert t-shirt, big ass dark green Cosby sweater.
current annoyance: My head hurts.
current smell: Peppermint. Why? I don't know.
current game: Solitaire
current thing I ought to be doing: Anything but this.
current windows open: Are you crazy? It's December!
current desktop picture: Brian Bell collage
current favorite artist: MC Escher
current favorite group: Weezer. Doy.
current book: Emmanuel's Book
current cds in stereo: The Rentals - Return Of The Rentals
current color of toenails: Burgundy. It's from Homecoming. I'm too lazy to take it off.
current refreshment: Water
current worry: What someone thinks of me.
current crush: Eh. None, really.
current favorite celeb: Um. Your mom.
current hate: Me procrastinating. have i..

Laughed?: Yep yep
Smiled?: It goes hand in hand with laughing, I think
Cried?: No
Bought something?: 2 CDs from Ozma - Rock and Roll Pt.3 and Promise Ring - Very Emergency.
Danced?: Heh. Noooo.
Were sarcastic?: Might have been.
Talked to an ex?: What ex? Heh. I guess I *have* been sarcastic, then.
Watched your favorite movie?: Nope

..the last time..

Last book you read: "The Fountainhead" - Ayn Rand. Man, it's been awhile since I've read.
Last movie you saw: Singing in the Rain.
Last song you heard: "Why did we ever meet?" - Promise Ring
Last thing you had to drink: Water.
Last time you showered: Day before yesterday. Damn. I need a shower. Thanks for reminding me.
Last thing you ate: Egg bagel with cream cheese & tomato i..

Smoke?: Only if I'm on fire. Haaaaahahahha! *rim shot* I kill me.
Do drugs?: Nope
Have sex?: On a regular basis -- with your mom.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yerp.
Live in the moment?: In a way, don't we all?
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: None that I remember, no.
Play an instrument?: Geetar, and a little piano
Believe there is life on other planets?: Sure
Remember your first love?: I've never been in love. I think love has to be a mutual feeling. Plus, I don't think at 16 I can experience that kind of love.
Still love him/her?: ...
Read the newspaper?: Only the funny pages. Sometimes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yes
Believe in miracles?: Um. Haven't gathered my thoughts on that one.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: For some people, yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah, I think so.
Consider love a mistake?: A mistake? No way. All you need is love.
Like the taste of alcohol?: It's tolerable.
Have a favorite candy?: I like it all.
Believe in astrology?: Yeah
Believe in magic?: Ok
Believe in god?: Something similar, but I'm not fond of the Christian god at all. <-yeah. Me too.
Go to church?: Used to
Have any pets: Yes
Do well in school?: Fairly
Go to or plan to go to college?: Julliard. I hope I hope I hope.
Wear hats?: If my head is cold.
Have any piercings?: Ears
Have any tattoos?: Heh.
Hate yourself?: I'm ok.
Have an obsession?: Yes. Your mom.
Have a secret crush?: Not really
Do they know yet?: Not really
Collect anything?: Dust
Have a best friend?: SUUUP, POLECAT! Word to yo motha. Smooth it out on the easy-e tip, aiight?
Wish on stars?: I used to
Like your handwriting?: It's man-writing. Oh so messy.
Have any bad habits?: Um, no, because I'm perfect.
Care about looks?: Well...I suppose in a perfect world, no one would. But this isn't a perfect world, is it?
Believe in witches?: Yeah, that's like saying "do you believe in Jews" I mean, Paganism is a religion...they do exist...

today i..
1. Watched TV
2. Got some CD's
3. Didn't wrap presents
4. Ran the mile in 3.5 minutes
5. Melted a spoon...with my MIND

5 facts about me..
1. I'm Megan
2. I used to be a fetus. But then I was born.
3. I'm not, nor ever was, half of a Siamese Twin.
4. I have 20/20 vision.
5. I don't have a penis.

5 things i'd like to do before i die..
1. Do something really cool, and have lots of people see me do it.
2. Get my picture taken with Kobe Bryant.
3. Be a really crazy-ass famous actress.
4. Go to one of those Velco-wall places
5. Have sex. Actually, it would be nice if that happened before I hit 18.

5 female celebrities i love..
1. Julianne Moore
2. Ani DiFranco
3. Winona Ryder
4. Drew Barrymore
5. Summer Phoenix. If I were a lesbian, I'd totally do it with her. She's hot.

5 male celebrities i love..
1. Weezer
2. Edward Norton
3. John Lennon. Does he still count? I hope so.
4. Ben Folds
5. Ricky Martin. I want to sex him up.

5 singers/groups i love..
1. Weezer
2. Ben Folds (Five)
3. They Might Be Giants
4. Pavement
5. Superdrag

5 movies i love..
1. Office Space
2. Fight Club
3. Waiting For Guffman
4. Dogma
5. Rain Man

name your favorite band/artist that starts with each letter:

a - Ani DiFranco
b - Ben Folds
c - Cake
d - David Bowie
e - Eels
f - Foo Fighters
g - Garfunkel and Simon (held up to a mirror)
h - Hole
i - Incubus
j - Jimmy Eat World
k - Kool band, like, lolz~~!! :);):)
l - Lennon, John
m - Modest Mouse
n - Nirvana
o - Ozma
p - Pavement
q - Queen
r - Radiohead
s - Stereolab
t - They Might Be Giants
u - Ummmmmmm.
v - Violent Femmes
w - Weezer
x - Xdajjippmngi. They're Japanese.
y - The Yeatles
z - Ziggy Stardust

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1