Bling bling
12:06 a.m. on 12-15-01

Hmmm. I'm not sure why I'm writing right now, seeing as how nothing particularly interesting or thought-provoking has happened or occured to me today.

People are so mis-matched. Have you noticed that? They can be so...wrong...but then they feel so right together. It's weird. I never understood that.

Everything is halfway right now. Halfway between happening and nothing. And some things never go away. And some things go away that I wish wouldn't. I'm speaking very vaguely, as to avoid potential embarassment. And I feel abstract right now. Very.

I could be the one to hold your hand. I wonder what you feel like. Perfect, I think.

Choir concert today. Long. Hot. Boring. Paff. I really didn't feel like doing anything tonight, but I kinda had to. I guess it was alright. My improved, new-wave digital nickname: "Megatron." It's neat. Don't you think so?

Things I wrote on the bathroom wall (to sway things from the norm):

*Ham Sandwich


*Mmmm, cabbage.

*I (heart) Split Pea Soup, because it's SO hot!

*Broccoli Rocket

*Paper Towels

*a picture of Mr. Peanut

Things that were written back to me, by Erica Sansing:

*Egg McMuffin

*Yeah!!! (In response to "cabbage")

Neeeeeeeeeooorrrrraaaaawwww. Broccoli Rocket. In my pocket. Pow Pow Pow. =megatron=

Neat-o song: "Dairy Cow" - Sam Rose

Thought of the day - in regards to Psych class, and learning about a serial killer who drinks the blood of his victims:

Me: "What is he thinking? I mean, that can't be healthy. He wouldn't know good nutrition if it tried desperately to fight for its life with him."

Farko: "Crazy serial killers and their 'Fad Diets.'"

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1