Incessant rambling.. it never stops.. make it stop...
11:18 p.m. on 12-11-01

It's my mom's birthday today. She's such a goofball. I love her. You don't know her, but if you did, you'd probably love her too. If red Jell-o were to be a person, it would be my mom. Happy birthday, Pamela-Sue.

I really miss the summer. It was so lazy and nice. Now things are making my stomach make weird noises and kind of hurt. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

Apparantly my hair looks much longer now, since I got it cut. Is this not a total contradiction? Gets cut shorter; appears...longer? We were discussing it in Newspaper today. Pat thinks I got a weave. I guess now I'll have to get really long, hot pink fake nails and wear lots of Fubu stuff. You'll roast in a "PICK IT UP!" filled Hell for that one, Pat.

Ever since the concert I've been re-obsessing (yes, I know it's not a word) myself with the greatness that is Weezer. All summer they were just -- everything. Going to the store -- put on some Weezer. Taking a shower -- put on the Weez. Lock yourself in your room -- better make sure there's some Weezer in there with you. I have this tape.. it's about an hour long.. of their every television appearace, excluding the early early days, when I was just a wee little girl listening to my dad's Beatles records and Amy Grant.

Anyway, I just watched the tape again. They're so lovely. Everything that is good in the world is Weezer. I wish I were older and more famous, so I could have sex with Rivers Cuomo and it wouldn't be illegal or super-pathetic. He's just...such a genius...and so rad. Especially when he makes those phallic guitar gestures. That's so nice.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I can't believe I wrote that paragraph. Somebody kill me.

That's not why I like Weezer, though. Because of their looks, I mean. True, it's a nice bonus, but it's not the best part. The best part is the music. By far. I loved the music way before I had a good idea of what the band looked like. There. I feel validated.

Mrs. (Rug) Burns yelled at me today.

Me: "But Mrs. Burns, I was absent yesterday and didn't know the assignment was due!"

Burns: "I told you Friday."

Me: "Are you sure??"

Burns: "No, Megan, I'm just making this up as I go along."

Me: "Um... well... uh... "

Burns: "Hahahaha now don't you feel stupid."

Me: "Yes, Mrs. Burns. Can I go to the bathroom and cry, now?"

Burns: "Bring me your agenda book."

So maybe I made the last 3 comments up. The rest, in its humiliating glory, is true. It's especially awful because the whole room was looking at me with this "what...the hell...are you thinking?!?!" blank expression on their face. I hate humiliation.

Ok, this was all pretty pointless blabber, of which I apologize for. Please disregard this entry. What's wrong with me. =meg=

Neat-o song: "No Show" - The Space Twins

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1