Happy Birthday, Brian Bell!
2:32 a.m. on 12-09-01

Tonight was fun. Went out to the movies with Peebo Farko (Katie), Nanko-Franko (Nancy), and Kerry Quite Hairy. We saw a movie, and then drove around for a long time. We were looking for trouble. We didn't find it. We did, however, find a stinky mess of vomit in a bathroom stall. Yum.

Wooo it's fun driving around blasting crazy rap music that everyone else in the car knows the words to but you don't so you try and fake it by randomly saying things like "yo, shorty!" and "bling bling!" and "D-I-D-D-Y" and "motherfucker!". Heh. Yeah, what a blast.

I really wished we could've wreaked some havoc. We had the potential. We were going to drive up to the drive-thru at Roy Rogers and when they asked us "Can I help you?" we'd say "No, we already got our food." and drive away. But alas, they were closed. Cruel, cruel fate.

I can't wait until tonight. Weezer. Yes. Seeing them. Good. Fragmented. Speech. Fun. Ok. Overtired. Must. Leave. Before. I. Get. Too. Incoherant. Oops. Too. Late. No. Sense. At. All. Good. Bye. =meg=

Neat-o song: "El Scorcho" - Weezer

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1