Nice to the fourth.
8:04 p.m. on 12-05-01

Oh boy. I'm having a good week. Matt, trumpet/bass player from the concert Friday has called me. Twice :D. And the talking. Yes, the talking. It's been going just fine. He's a really cool guy, from what I've learned of him. He might be going on this "People-to-People Student Ambassador" trip to Australia this summer, which I'll be attending as well. How neat-o.

I got a really good CD, too. The Get Up Kids - Something to write home about. It's lovely. I like the cover. too. It's robots in love. That's so nice. And.. well.. other things are nice, too. Except for it being so damn hot in December.

Just feeling nice. Nicenicenicenicenicenicenicenice. I like my sweater. It's so nice. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is a short entry. But it's so nice, isn't it? =meg=

Good song: "I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel" - The Get Up Kids

Post-Script - I'm seeing Weezer in 4 days!! It will be a par-tay! Woot woot!

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