If Santa and the Holiday Armadillo are in the same room for too long the universe implodes!
9:18 p.m. on 11-26-01

"What he lacks for in looks, he makes up for in inadequecy." - Katie Farkas

Heh. Yep. That's my best buddy talking about someone who would cry if he found out she said that about him. No real reason for putting that up, it's just been running through my head all day.

My computer is dying. I think it has like, megabyte cancer or.. something. It's turning funny colors and deleting all of my mp3's and kicking me offline a lot. I think it hates me. Which is ok, because I AM MUCH BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN IT, AND I CAN DESTROY IT SO EASILY SO HELP ME GOD!!

Haa.. tonight's been weird. Nothing happened at all. I've just been looking at colleges. Got it narrowed down to 5. Emerson, Northwestern, Julliard, North Carolina School for the Performing Arts, and Syracuse University.

Like hell I'm gonna get into NW, though. 700 math section on the SAT's, bah. Yeah, that'll happen.. me having a B in geometry and all.. fucking GEOMETRY for crissakes.. I'm a JUNIOR!! Some of my friends took geometry in their freshman year; and when anyone finds out I'm in geometry they give me this look like I have leprosy or something. Ok big deal -- I suck at math. I'm totally right-brained. I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this condition. Gah.

On the happier side, I'm going to see Weezer again. With my Weez buddies. Yes. On December 9th. Which is Brian Bell's 33rd birthday. I was going to make this big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRIAN!!!" sign. But from where I'm sitting, all he'd probably see would be.. no.. he wouldn't see anything at all, because I'm in section 209, row P. The world is falling apart.

But at least I'll get to hear them.

This sweater is too big. But in a nice way. My shoulder hurts. I feel like watching "Titanic." That's all.

Ok, bye. =megan=

Neat-o song: "Weeeeeeee!" - Three Brain

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1