Club Day
7:24 p.m. on 09-20-01

So, I don't like Club Day now. Namely because yesterday upon telling Mrs. "Hi, I'm Satan." Burns that I would be attending Ski Club, she said "Oh. Ok, well you can just turn your homework in Friday, then." HA! Well, she obviouslly didn't mean that, because today it was all "Ohhhhh no I never said that, blah blah blah you can't turn it in at all now.. "

She told my friend Kelly M., who is not only one of the coolest people I know, but she's probably one of the friendliest too... that she had an ATTITUDE problem. Although, it makes sense. Positivity is usually frowned upon in the classroom of Hell.

Anyway, I know it's just one stupid homework assignment.. but it's the concept behind it. Just when teachers say stuff like that, it really sets me off. Like they can do it just because they have the chalk, or something. Some kind of superiority trip. Or I could be overreacting.

Oh, also, I haven't gotten my yearbook yet, and most everyone else got theirs yesterday or Tuesday. Eh, I dunno, I just was kind of looking forward to getting it.

So that's what sucked today. Everything else was pretty rosy. Well, except for seeing the mystery man and his girlfriend.. which was followed by some cringing and kicking of myself, and the muttering of some expletives under my breath.

This is such a beautiful song. It's by Radiohead, "No Surprises." I'm surprised I haven't heard it before, since it's off OK Computer. I have no idea what Thom Yorke is saying.. but.. it's just beautiful. Stupidly, and strangely enough, it made me cry. Not many songs do that to me. I'm not very easily moved. It's weird, because I didn't know the words.. and then I found them out, and then I cried some more. Even though the lyrics aren't particularly touching, the way the song is orchestrated is just sounds beautiful to me.

What the hell is wrong with me?? It's just a song. So I guess it's a good song, then.

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