4:17 p.m. on 02-23-02

I just had a thought. Kind of a self-discovery, great realization sort of thought.

I don't really...or at least I don't think that I really have a defined set of standards.

It's weird. I'll be talking with someone about something...and then later, somebody else will come up to me and say "oh I can't believe you were talking to that person, they're so awful!" or that they totally disagree with what's going on, and I won't even realize it.

I guess I'm just sort of easily molded. There are very few things that I have an adament opinion on. I don't think that's good. I'm... Neutral Girl. I could never kick Wonder Woman's ass. I probably couldn't even kick Wonder Woman's mom's ass.

Not that I would want to kick anyone's ass in the first place; seeing as how I have no adament opinions on anything.

But I do have standards, to an extent. There are people I don't like. But it's mainly just because of a vibe I get from them, not specific things they do.

So does that make me....easy-going?

Or does that make me a pushover?

Does it even make me anything?

Do I even care if it does??

Who the hell are you?!?!?

Where am I???

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